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Athens Journal of ArchitectureAthens Journal of Mediterranean Studies
Athens Journal of Business & EconomicsAthens Journal of Philology
Athens Journal of EducationAthens Journal of Philosophy
Athens Journal of Health and Medical SciencesAthens Journal of Sciences
Athens Journal of HistoryAthens Journal of Social Sciences
Athens Journal of Humanities & ArtsAthens Journal of Sports
Athens Journal of LawAthens Journal of Technology & Engineering
Athens Journal of Mass Media and CommunicationsAthens Journal of Tourism
Athens Journal of Demography & Anthropology
(The first issue will be uploaded in March 2025)
Athens Journal of Politics & International Affairs
(The first issue will be uploaded in March 2025)
Athens Journal of Pharmaceutics
(The first issue will be uploaded in March 2026)
Athens Journal of Psychology
(The first issue will be uploaded in March 2025)
Athenian Academic Periodical (in Greek only)

Important note: All ATINER’s publications, including the e-journals, serve only its mission and cannot be changed to serve any other purpose. ATINER’s e-journals are open access without any costs related to publication charged to the author or to the reader which includes their host institutions as well. ATINER’s publications follow Socrates’ example of promoting academic discourse and therefore are free. Since the publications are open access, the intellectual property rights of a paper remain with its author. The review process for a submission varies according to the complexity of the paper and the availability of readers, although a decision on acceptance typically is made within six months. Publication will follow within six to twelve months as a rule. Please note that a paper’s acceptance is independent of its author presenting at an ATINER event (conference, symposium, forum, colloquium, course, roundtable discussion). Before submitting a paper, an author must ensure that the paper meets the basic academic standards, which include clear and proper English; referees are instructed to reject a paper that is poorly argued and poorly written. It is ATINER’s mission to bring together academics from all over the world. One way of doing this is by inviting researchers to present their work in Athens in a symposium-like format and exchange ideas as they did in Ancient Athens. Thanks to Prometheus, modern technology permits us to add more tools to satisfy our mission. We encourage our members and friends to read, comment and cite the works of others who have presented and/or published with ATINER which can all be found in our online database. As a member and friend of ATINER, you can submit a note or comment on a published paper and we will publish it, after blind review, with a rejoint from the author(s). This is another way of bringing researchers from all over the world together, as part of our global mission.