Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2021
DOI: 10.30958/aja_v7i1
Table of Contents
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Front Pages
Building “Working with, not for” into Design Studio Curriculum
Saskia van Kampen & Cheryl Giraudy 9
Bottom-up Urban Regeneration and Vacant Buildings: A Framework to understand how Empty Properties can be Strategically Embedded in Bottom-up Projects
Alberto Squizzato 37
Art and Architecture as Opponents against the Cultural Identity Loss in the Context of a Post-Industrial Environment - The Case of the Manufacturing Villages of Cebolais de Cima and Retaxo, Portugal
Miguel Ângelo Silva, Fátima Silva, Marta Roque & Álvaro Cidrais 59
A City of Promenades
Carolyn Aguilar-Dubose & Maite García-Vedrenne 75