Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2022
DOI: 10.30958/aja_v8i2
Table of Contents
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Front Pages
Seven Steps to Organic Modernism: Alvar Aalto’s Civic Centre in Seinäjoki Seen through the Lenses of Bruno Zevi
Ari Hynynen 91
Digital and Physical Margins: Pre-Visions for New Interactions in the City in Progress
Maria Carola Morozzo della Rocca, Alessandro Bertirotti & Federica Delprino 113
An Insightful Resemblance between Ancient Egyptian Miniatures and Current Digital Information Models
Mohamed Said Abdou, Ebtissam Mohamed Farid & Hatem Abdelmoneam Eltawil137
Exhibiting Imprisoned Memories: The Construction of Site-specific Narrations in the Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park, Taiwan
Ching-pin Tseng153
Autism and Architecture: The Importance of a Gradual Spatial Transition
Alessandro Gaiani, Duccio Fantoni & Salome Katamadze175