(Volume 10, Issue 1) AJE Athens Journal of Education Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2023 DOI: 10.30958/aje_v10i1 Table of Contents Download the entire issue (PDF) Front Pagesi-viii Forestalling Bullying in Primary and Secondary Schools in Spain Elia Saneleuterio, Rocío López-García-Torres & Teresa Fernández-Ulloa9 Pandemic Induced E-Learning and the Impact on the Stakeholders: Mediating Role of Satisfaction and Moderating Role of Choice Ganesh Dash27 Teacher Perceptions of Self-Efficacy in Teaching Online During the COVID-19 Pandemic John Rodari Meisner & Jennifer M. McKenzie49 Studying Habits in Higher Education Before and After the Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic Eva Jereb, Janja Jerebic & Marko Urh67 Examining Early Career Teachers’ Formative Practices to Inform and Support Continuous Improvement Alicia Wenzel, Katrina A. Hovey & Annie Ittner85 An Interactive Decision Support System for College Degree Planning Sobitha Samaranayake, Athula D. A. Gunawardena & Robert R. Meyer101 Estimation in the Primary Mathematics Curricula of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey: A Privileged or Prevented Competence? Constantinos Xenofontos, Sinem Hizli Alkan & Paul Andrews117 The Constructivist Principle of Learning by Being in Physics Teaching Mihail Calalb139 Townships’ High School Learners’ Views on the Implementation of the Right to Education: A Social Justice Perspective Lucia Munongi153 The Evaluation and the Accreditation Process of Greek HEIs with an Emphasis on Primary Education Departments Gregory T. Papanikos173 <<Previous issue Next issue>>