Past Issue (Volume 3, Issue 1) AJH

Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2016

Table of Contents
President's Message5
Special Issue on Health Economics: An Introduction
Błażej Łyszczarz
Impact of Electronic Health Records on the Hospital Bed Occupancy Rates in Surgical Units in France: Results from the E-SI (PREPS-SIPS) Study
Morgane Plantier, Nathalie Havet, Nicolas Caquot, Pierre Biron, Camille Amaz, Thierry Durand, Irène Philip and Lionel Perrier
The Acute Care Services Production Process’s Efficiency: A DEA Network Model for the Italian Hospitals
Claudio Pinto
Economic Analysis of ART Task Shifting in Limited Resource Setting Using Econometric Model: Ethiopia Case Study
Elias Asfaw, Naod Mekonnen, Benjamin Johns, Wendy Wong,
Abebe Bekele, John G H Palen, Amha Kebede, Sarah Dominis and Yibeltal Assefa
A Study to Assess the Workload of Lady Health Workers in Khanpur UC, Pakistan by Applying WHO’s WISN Method
Nadeem Sajjad Kayani, Samina Naeem Khalid and Shamsa Kanwal
Access to Healthcare for Vulnerable Asians in the United States
Deborah Kim-Lu
Convergence of Health Status in the European Union: A Spatial Econometric Approach
Renata Stańczyk

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