(Volume 7, Issue 3) AJHMS

Athens Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
 Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2020
DOI: 10.30958/ajhms_v7i3

Table of Contents
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Front Pagesi-x
LEAN System Management in Hospitals
Ivan Bošnjak & Marija Bošnjak
The Manual Dexterity of Nurses and Factors that Affect It
Yıldız Denat & Hürmüs Kuzgun
mRNA Expressions of Specific Gamma-Glutamyl Transferases in Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer
Dilek Gelen-Güngör, Ece Miser-Salihoglu, Semra Demokan, Karanlik Hasan & Sevgi Yardim-Akaydin
Practices and Determinants of Exclusive Breastfeeding among Young Mothers Attending a Secondary Health Care Facility - A Cross Sectional Study
Hemant Kumar & Ruchita Satish Gaonkar

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