Athens Journal of History
Volume 4, Issue 4, October 2018
DOI: 10.30958/ajhis_v4i4
Table of Contents | |
President's Message | 265 |
The Exchange of Populations and the Transformation of Two Mediterranean Cities, Adana and Mersin Asli Emine Comu | 267 |
Greek Armament from the South of the Iberian Peninsula during the 1st Millennium BC Juan Antonio Martín Ruiz & Juan Ramón García Carretero | 279 |
Λαμπροτáτη πóλις: The Festivals in the Roman Province of Thrace as Evidence for Inter-city Rivalry Petya A. Andreeva | 295 |
The First Japanese effort to colonize Taiwan and the Chinese Reaction Nikolaos Mavropoulos | 307 |
Announcements | 329 |
Cover |