Athens Journal of History
Volume 7, Issue 4, October 2021
DOI: 10.30958/ajhis_v7i4

Table of Contents
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Front Pagesi-viii
On Francesco Guicciardini’s Thought and Some of his Considerations on Machiavelli
Nicoleta Călina & Loredana Maria Grozoiu
Stratification and Role of the Elite Muslim Women in the State of Awadh, 1742-1857
Naumana Kiran
Epidemics and Wars: Comparative Archaeology and Anthropology of Ancient Greek Mass Burials
Reine-Marie Bérard & Dominique Castex
Hellanicus as Peripheral and a Critic of Athens? Notes on a Study of a Fragmentary Historian
Matheus Vargas de Souza

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