Reviewers’ Board

Athens Journal of Philosophy
Reviewers’ Board

Reviewers' Board
This list includes Academics who have recently reviewed papers of this Journal
• Dr. Piotr Boltuc, Professor, University of Illinois, USA.
•Dr. Daniel Considine, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Folsom Lake College, USA.
•Dr. Thomas Ellis, Professor, Appalachian State University, USA.
•Dr. Oscar Flantrmsky, Professor, Industrial University of Santander, Spain.
• Dr. Alexandre Maia, Professor, Integrated Faculties of Vitoria (FDV), Brazil.
• Dr. Íñigo Ongay de Felipe, Professor, University of Deusto, Spain.
•Dr. Silvia Tomašková, Professor, University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia.
•Dr. Ivonne Pallares Vega, Professor, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos, Mexico.
•Dr. António dos Santos Queirós, Professor, Centre of Philosophy, University of Lisbon. Portugal.
• Dr. Jessica Roisen, Professor, St. Ambrose University, USA.
•Dr. Roberto Suárez-Antola, Retired Professor and Private Consultant, OMNIA Sciences/Technolgies/Services, Uruguay.
•Dr. Daniela De Leo, Associate Professor, University of Salento, Italy.
• Dr. Tonci Kokic, Associate Professor, University of Split, Croatia.
•Dr. Andreea Elena Matic, Associate Professor, "The Lower Danube" University, Romania.
• Dr. Steve Sullivan, Associate Professor, Pennsylvania Western University, USA.
•Dr. Michael Aristidou, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA.
•Dr. Roisin Lally, Assistant Professor, Gonzaga University, USA.
•Dr. Seyed Sajad Sadatizadeh, Assistant Professor, Azad University, Iran.
•Dr. Prasasti Pandit, Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island, USA.
•Dr. Ramala Sarma, Assistant Professor, Nowgong College, India.
•Dr. Marianne Vardalos, Assistant Porfessor, Laurentian University, Canada.
•Dr. Ahmad Zandvanian, Assistant Professor, Yazd University, Iran.
•Dr. Kiriake Xerohemona, Teaching Professor, Florida International University, USA.
•Dr. Thomas Adino, Lecturer, Woldia University, Ethiopia.
•Dr. Evis Celo, Lecturer, University of Vlora, Albania
•Dr. Thomas Taye, Lecturer & PhD Student in African Studies, Woldia University, Ethiopia.
•Dr. Alexandru Barliba Ionut, Researcher, “Gh. Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch, Romania.
•Dr. Damian Islas-Mondragon, Researcher, Juarez University of the State of Durango, Mexico.
•Dr. Alejandro Tomasini Bassols, Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, National University of Mexico, Mexico.
•Dr. Ronald Bohannon, Ethics instructor, Utah Valley University, USA.
•Dr. Marko Jakic, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Split, Croatia.
•Dr. Elisa Ravasio, Independent Researcher, Italy.
• Dr. Ivanilde Fracalossi, Post-doctor Researcher, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil.
• Dr. Claudia Simone Dorchain, Researcher, Profiler´s Academy, Germany.
•Dr. Benjamin Wilck, Researcher, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
• Dr. Ronald Bohannon, Ethics Instructor, Utah Valley University, USA.
• Dr. Patrick Goodin, Howard University, USA.
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