Athens Journal of Sciences
Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2019
DOI: 10.30958/ajs_v6i2

Table of Contents
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Front Pagesi-viii
Assembling Large Entangled States in the Rényi-Ingarden-Urbanik Entropy Measure under the SU(2)-Dynamics Decomposition for Systems Built from Two-Level Subsystems
Francisco Javier Delgado Cepeda
The Effects of Computational Thinking Professional Development on STEM Teachers’ Perceptions and Pedagogical Practices
Sarah Haines, Michael Krach, Arkhadi Pustaka, Qing Li & Laila Richman
The Phytoplankton and Water Quality of Sennar and Roseires Reservoirs, Sudan
Faisal Abdalla Sinada & Manal Elsayed Abdelrahman
Effect of Irrigation Canal Sediments, Humate Fertilizer and Irrigation Interval on Wheat Performance in Desert Soils
Ali Abdalla Mohammed, Asim Osman Elzubeir, Muawia Elbedawi Hamad & Abdalla Ibrahim Elhagwa

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