(Volume 6, Issue 1) AJSPO

Athens Journal of Sports
Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2019
DOI: 10.30958/ajspo/v6i1

Table of Contents
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Front Pagesi-viii
Taiwanese Residents’ Perceived Social, Economic, Recreational and Political Benefits for Hosting the 2017 Universiade Games
Steve Chen, Yun-Kuang Lee, Chieh Der Dongfang, Cao-Yen Chen & Tsung-Chih Chiu
Recreation, Sport and an Aging Population
Steven Carney & Hal Walker
The Elite of “Kalos Kagathos” in Poland
Małgorzata Tomecka
Athletes and Non-Athletes’ Life Satisfaction
Nikolay Ivantchev & Stanislava Stoyanova

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