Paper Submission Form

    Paper Submission Form


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    Title of Paper (required)

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    Please select a maximum of two journals. It will only be considered for one:
    Only for ATINER Paper Series (Not for Journal Publication)ArchitectureBusiness & EconomicsDemography & AnthropologyEducationHealth and Medical SciencesHistoryHumanities & ArtsLawMass Media & CommunicationsMediterranean StudiesPharmaceuticsPhilologyPhilosophyPolitics & International AffairsPsychologySciencesSocial SciencesSportsTechnology & EngineeringTourismAthenian Academic Periodical (Publication is in Greek only, but English submissions are accepted and will be translated into Greek)

    Please refer to similar papers published ONLY in any of the aforementioned ATINER’s journals that have been cited in your paper and/or are akin to your work. PLEASE DO NOT CITE PAPERS PUBLISHED IN OTHER (NON-ATINER) journals.

    This information is of utmost importance because (a) we use the authors of these papers as potential reviewers (failure to do so may either delay the review process or result in the return of your paper due to the inability to find reviewers) and (b) it fosters an indirect dialogue between your research and theirs, which aligns with the mission of the Athens Institute. On each academic journal’s website, there is a section under the dropdown menu titled “Published Papers” that lists all papers published in that journal. Kindly provide the details (title) of at least two papers (preferably those you cite in your paper) published in any of the Athens Institute’s academic journals:





    Author(s) Declaration

    A. I (we) hereby submit the attached paper for possible publication in ATINER’s publications (hereinafter: the Publications).

    B. Initial 1 (compulsory) and, 2 or 3
    1. I (we) confirm that the attached paper is an original work of the author(s), and that I am/we are willing for it to be considered for publication.
    2. I (we) confirm that this is an original paper by the named author(s) and that it has not already been published in any language, nor is it under review for possible publication at the time it is submitted to the Publications.3. I (we) confirm that the attached paper is a version of a paper that I (we) have copyright permission to submit it for inclusion in “the Publications”. The paper is published by

    I (we) further agree to indemnify ATINER for any costs or inconvenience they incur for violation of copyright interest in this paper.

    ATINER, its Editors-in-Chief and its Editorial Boards (hereinafter: ATINER Staff) make it clear to the authors that the authors and only they are responsible for the material content of their publications. ATINER Staff do not have any responsibility for the substance of the publications. Any claim of forgery, fraud, copyright infringements etc. are to be solely the responsibility of the authors. As part of the blind review process, an anonymous version of the paper will be send to ATINER’s reviewers and the same copy may be uploaded at the “papers under review” website ( by ATINER’s staff, inviting the world academic community to comment on the paper. This serves the purpose of transparency of the entire blind review process. If a paper is withdrawn by the author(s) after sending them the reviewers’ comments asking for revisions and the author(s) decide to withdraw it, the paper will remain on our “papers under review” website for at least 12 months.

    I’m the only authorI have co-authors that have been informed about this submission


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