Referee Report(og)

Referee Report

    Title of Paper: (required)

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Last Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Position (required)

    Your Affiliation (required)

    Your Country (required)

    Use of English:
    Literature Review Quality:
    Aim of the Paper and/or Research Questions (only for Research papers):
    Results/Answers to Research Questions:
    Inclusion of all Figures/Tables and/or Sufficient Quality:
    Discussion of the Results:
    Conclusions Quality:

    Based on the above evaluation, my recommendation is:
    AcceptAccept pending minor revisions*Reconsider after major revisions*Reject**

    Comments to the author/s:

    Comments to the editor/s:

    Please upload the reviewed file

    1) *(Please provide and clearly state the revisions that are required)
    2) **(Please justify your decision)