Papers Under Review

Papers Under Review

This list includes papers that have been accepted by the Editors of the Journals (desk accepted) and have been sent out for blind review. However, ATINER has decided to upload the submitted paper so that Academics and Researchers are more than welcomed to provide comments about these papers. This unique reviewing process serves the following purposes (a) transparency of the review process; (b) academics other the designated blind reviewers have the opportunity to read, learn and comment on a paper before it is published; (c) the authors benefit from more than the two comments normally provided by a standard reviewing process and (d) papers are checked for true originality before they are published. Please note that comments will be accepted up to two months from the uploaded date of the paper. You can send the comments using the referee report available here. Please note that decisions are strictly based on the two blind reviews and on the editors. All other comments are sent to the author/s if they can contribute in the improvement of the quality of the paper.

Click here to see the list of papers for which the review has been completed.