Published Papers
Athens Journal of Education
- Abusalem A, Bennett L, Antonelou Abusalem D (2024) Engaging and retaining students in online learning. Athens Journal of Education 11(1): 51-70.
- Agrillo F, Aiello P, Zollo I, Pace EM, Sibilio M (2017) Building vicarious bridges through colour workshops for pupils with visual impairment. Athens Journal of Education 4(4): 327-338.
- Afriyie N, Boohene R (2014) Entrepreneurial education and entrepreneurial culture among university of cape coast students in Ghana. Athens Journal of Education 1(4): 309-322.
- Ajayi OB, Moosa M, Aloka PJ (2023) Relationship between career interest and career decision-making of grade 12 learners in township secondary schools in South Africa. Athens Journal of Education 10(2): 307-322.
- Akan D, Sevim O, Yıldırım İ, Çiftçi M, Emre Kılıç M (2022) An analysis of the ideal qualities that unıversıty students look for in their peer. Athens Journal of Education 9(3): 429-450.
- Alam R, Islam R (2022) Determinants of academic performance of the students of public universities in Bangladesh. Athens Journal of Education 9(4): 641-654.
- Al Ani WT (2014) Core values matrix of the philosophy of basic education in Oman (PBEO). Athens Journal of Education 1(2): 167-182.
- Al Balushi K (2022) Omani English as a foreign language teachers’ views about participatory professional development. Athens Journal of Education 9(1): 161-186.
- Alduais A (2019) A proposed ranked-based ranking model on the impact of international ranking of higher education institutions on higher education reform in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Athens Journal of Education 6(4): 329-356.
- Alhassan MA (2022) Teachers’ moral evaluation of students in an inclusive secondary school: A study of minority students’ behaviour and school performance. Athens Journal of Education 9(2): 325-338.
- Almutiry M, Alshehri MY, Sayed G (2022) Diffusion of high impact educational practices at a Saudi university. Athens Journal of Education 9(3): 413-428.
- Aloka PJ (2023) Birth order differences and overall adjustment among first year undergraduate students in one selected university. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 523-538.
- Alsalamah A, Callinan C (2020) Key barriers to training effectiveness for female head teachers in Saudi Arabia: A qualitative survey. Athens Journal of Education 7(4): 397-416.
- Al Shabibi AS, Silvennoinen H (2018) Challenges in education system affecting teacher professional development in Oman. Athens Journal of Education 5(3): 261-282.
- Alshaboul Y (2018) Jordanian pre-service EFL teachers’ perspectives about phonological awareness: contributions to reading development. Athens Journal of Education 5(2): 173-188.
- Alhassan MA, Kuyini AB, Mangope B, Major TE (2024) African academics in Norway: Experiences of inclusion and exclusion and impact on mental wellbeing. Athens Journal of Education 11(2): 157-176.
- Altındağ Kumaş Ö, Ergül C (2021) Effectiveness of the big math for little kids program on the early mathematics skills of children with risk group. Athens Journal of Education 8(4): 385-400.
- Ambusaidi I, Badiali B, Alkharousi K (2021) Examining how biology teachers’ pedagogical beliefs shape the implementation of the Omani reform-oriented curriculum. Athens Journal of Education 8(1): 73-114.
- Ambusaidi I, Badiali B, Alkharousi K (2021) Examining how biology teachers’ pedagogical beliefs shape the implementation of the Omani reform-oriented curriculum. Athens Journal of Education 8(3): 263-304.
- Andrade MS (2014) Higher education access and success through distance English language learning. Athens Journal of Education 1(3): 211-222.
- Aristidou M (2020) Is mathematical logic really necessary in teaching mathematical proofs? Athens Journal of Education 7(1): 99-122.
- Aslan D, Arslan S, Aydin H (2021) An evaluation constructivist approach in high school teaching process: A scale development and validation. Athens Journal of Education 8(2): 181-196.
- Atanas JP (2018) Is virtual-physical or physical-virtual manipulatives in physics irrelevant within studio physics environment? Athens Journal of Education 5(1): 29-42.
- Awal Alhassan M (2023) Teaching English as a third language to minority adult learners in Norwegian secondary schools. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 447-462.
- Aydoğmuş M, Kurnaz A (2022) Investigating the effectiveness of reflective teaching activities in secondary English classes. Athens Journal of Education 9(3): 487-506.
- Aygün M, Hacıoğlu Y (2022) Teaching the sound concept: A review of science and physics education postgraduate theses in Turkey. Athens Journal of Education 9(2): 257-278.
- Aznar Alarcón JP, Castillo L, Duplá Marín T (2018) Mediation techniques in secondary education should take into account gender differences for enhanced effectiveness: Evidence from secondary schools in Catalonia. Athens Journal of Education 5(3): 247-260.
- Bales BL (2015) Restructuring teacher education in the United States: Finding the tipping point. Athens Journal of Education 2(4): 297-312.
- Baraei A, Mahram B, Varaki BS (2022) Essential components of miller’s soulful curriculum theory. Athens Journal of Education 9(3): 451-468.
- Bardorfer A (2024) Fostering students’ active participation in higher education: The role of teacher-student rapport. Athens Journal of Education 11(3): 227-246.
- Batista GA (2015) Socrates: Philosophy applied to education – search for virtue. Athens Journal of Education 2(2): 149-156.
- Bengü E (2019) Application of team-based learning at a health science course: A case study. Athens Journal of Education 6(1): 77-92.
- Bennett L, Abusalem A (2024) Artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on the future of higher education. Athens Journal of Education 11(3): 195-212.
- Bennett L, Abusalem A (2024) Building academic integrity and capacity in digital assessment in higher education. Athens Journal of Education 11(1): 71-94.
- Biju SM (2019) Benefits of working in pairs in problem solving and algorithms – action research. Athens Journal of Education 6(3): 223-236.
- Bintz W (2023) Portrayal of bullying in selected picture books: A content analysis. Athens Journal of Education 10(4): 739-764.
- Biss Keller D (2019) Requisite community engagement for teacher education: A different take on service learning. Athens Journal of Education 6(2): 93-110.
- Bonacci E (2020) On teaching quantum physics at high school. Athens Journal of Education 7(3): 313-330.
- Boon HJ, Lewthwaite BE (2016) Teacher ethics: The link between quality teaching and multi-ethnic and multiracial education. Athens Journal of Education 3(4): 331-344.
- Bosmans D, Casciotta F, Fivaz V (2023) The autonomous acquisition of transversal competencies by primary school children through the use of pedagogical scenarios. Athens Journal of Education 10(2): 187-212.
- Bosmans D, Young E, McLoughlin R (2019) Does PAL work? An exploration of affect amongst first-year HE in FE students. Athens Journal of Education 6(1): 13-32.
- Brelias A (2014) High school students’ views of mathematics as a tool for social critique. Athens Journal of Education 1(3): 195-210.
- Brown A, Bauer M (2021) Merging engineering education with service learning: How community based projects encourage socially conscious engineers. Athens Journal of Education 8(1): 9-22.
- Bryant JA, Jr. (2023) Gadugi: Reclaiming native American education through a culturally reflective pedagogy. Athens Journal of Education 10(4): 685-700.
- Budgen F, West J (2018) Identifying and supporting numeracy needs of first year undergraduate education students. Athens Journal of Education 5(2): 131-144.
- Budiyanto, Sheehy K, Kaye H, Rofiah K (2020) Indonesian educators’ knowledge and beliefs about teaching children with autism. Athens Journal of Education 7(1): 77-98.
- Buglear J (2014) Why are we here? An investigation of academic, employability and social facets of business undergraduates’ motivation using Thurstone scaling. Athens Journal of Education 1(2): 101-114.
- Buli Holmberg J, Kamenopoulou L (2017) Attaining new knowledge on inclusive education: A case study of students’ voices. Athens Journal of Education 4(4): 363-378.
- Bunker A, Schnieder J (2015) Writing across the curriculum in a human physiology class to build upon and expand content Knowledge. Athens Journal of Education 2(4): 331-344.
- Buskila Y, Chen Levi T (2021) Intense teaching schedule in Israeli teachers. Athens Journal of Education 8(3): 329-348.
- Buskila Y, Chen Levi T (2021) The role of authentic school leaders in promoting teachers’ well-being: Perceptions of Israeli teachers. Athens Journal of Education 8(2): 161-180.
- Cabau B (2014) Higher education ambitions and societal expectations. Athens Journal of Education 1(2): 143-154.
- Calalb M (2023) The constructivist principle of learning by being in physics teaching. Athens Journal of Education 10(1): 139-152.
- Cannon J, Self M, Kitchel A, Arnett Hartwick S, Billing C, Elliott K, Bartlett M, Borr M, Jeffery J (2024) COVID-19 global pandemic upheaval: CTE teachers response in the United States. Athens Journal of Education 11(3): 177-194.
- Carnovali S (2017) The right to inclusive education of persons with disabilities in Italy. Reflections and perspectives. Athens Journal of Education 4(4): 315-326.
- Carr V, Boat M (2019) “You say praise, I say encouragement” – negotiating positive behavior support in a constructivist preschool. Athens Journal of Education 6(3): 171-188.
- Carter SD (2015) Comparison of student learning outcomes assessment practices used globally. Athens Journal of Education 2(3): 179-192.
- Caruth GD (2017) Socialization: A Requisite for Writing the Doctoral Dissertation? Athens Journal of Education 4(1): 7-20.
- Çelik R, Koca F, Dadandi İ (2022) The role of self-efficacy and educational beliefs in democratic values: The case of Turkish pre-service teachers. Athens Journal of Education 9(4): 559-574.
- Cells P, Sabina LL, Touchton D, Shankar Brown R, Sabina KL (2023) Addressing teacher retention within the first three to five years of employment. Athens Journal of Education 10(2): 345-364.
- Charalambous C, Papademetriou C (2024) Inclusive education during pandemic crisis of COVID-19. Athens Journal of Education 11(2): 109-128.
- Charles F (2014) Discovering the worlds of life sciences, objects and material in Nursery schools: Teaching practices and training proposals. Athens Journal of Education 1(3): 223-236.
- Chen Levi T, Buskila Y (2022) “Our organization deals with people, not with products”: Perceptions of school organizational patterns. Athens Journal of Education 9(1): 139-160.
- Chiu MS, Hsiao YPA (2023) Process indicators for grading group essays: Learning analytics of assessment data and online behaviour. Athens Journal of Education 10(4): 575-592.
- Ciecierski L, Nageldinger J, Bintz WP, Moore SD (2017) New perspectives on picture books. Athens Journal of Education 4(2): 123-136.
- Coleman A (2020) D-STEM equity model: Diversifying the STEM education to career pathway. Athens Journal of Education 7(3): 273-296.
- Coleman A, Ellis T (2023) E2 : Equity and excellence framework. Athens Journal of Education 10(4): 611-646.
- Corbin Jr TP, Maguire R (2014) Rule of law perceptions of gulf cooperative council (GCC) graduating law students. Athens Journal of Education 1(2): 155-166.
- Coulter X, Herman L (2020) The lure of autocratic education in a somewhat democratic society. Athens Journal of Education 7(4): 331-352.
- Curtis E (2015) The values dimension of quality teachers: Can we prepare pre-service teachers for this? Athens Journal of Education 2(4): 313-330.
- Cyran KA (2023) Research and innovation staff exchange as a frame for collaboration of higher education with industry: Lessons learned from WrightBroS horizon 2020 EU project. Athens Journal of Education 10(4): 669-684.
- Dacwag C (2018) Communicative behaviors of Filipino seafarers: Toward the development of a globally responsive maritime English course. Athens Journal of Education 5(3): 283-298.
- Dal B, Ozturk N, Alper U, Sonmez D, Cokelez A (2015) An analysis of the teachers’ climate change awareness. Athens Journal of Education 2(2): 111-122.
- Damnjanović V, Proud B, Ruangwanit N (2018) Percevied benefits and issues of student learning in business case competition comparison study of Serbia, Australia and Thailand. Athens Journal of Education 5(1): 43-60.
- Daniel MC, Burgin X (2019) Investigating future educators training to teach English in Ecuador: An examination of one university’s program. Athens Journal of Education 6(1): 33-52.
- Dash G (2023) Pandemic induced e-learning and the impact on the stakeholders: Mediating role of satisfaction and moderating role of choice. Athens Journal of Education 10(1): 27-48.
- Dawn Martelli C (2022) A university literacy festival: The impact of connecting children’s authors with students, teachers, and librarians from title I schools. Athens Journal of Education 9(1): 9-22.
- DeAngelis L, Penney SH, Scully MA (2014) Teamwork: Crucible for learning about collaborative leadership. Athens Journal of Education 1(4): 283-294.
- Delgado Cepeda FJ (2016) Widget based learning in math and physics undergraduate courses as blended learning approach. Athens Journal of Education 3(3): 241-260.
- Deniz E, Kazu H (2022) Examination of the relationships between secondary school students’ social media attitudes, school climate perceptions and levels of alienation. Athens Journal of Education 9(2): 277-302.
- Diagne D (2024) Is there a link between teacher salary and educational achievement? An analysis in OECD countries. Athens Journal of Education 11(1): 37-50.
- Dias Trindade S, Moreira JA (2023) Technologies and digital competences in Portuguese education: History of its integration in pedagogical practices since the beginning of the 20th century. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 381-396.
- Dickinson G (2016) Special issue on sciences and mathematics education: An introduction. Athens Journal of Education 3(3): 209.
- Didou Aupetit S (2015) Equity, diversity and internationalization in indigenous and intercultural higher education in Latin America. Athens Journal of Education 2(3): 245-256.
- Egne RM (2022) Pedagogical science practices in public higher education institutions of Ethiopia: Progress made but challenges remain. Athens Journal of Education 9(2): 303-324.
- Einav M, Sharabi A, Even Hen Peter T, Margalit M (2018) Test accommodations and positive affect among adolescents with learning disabilities: The mediating role of attitudes, academic selfefficacy, loneliness and hope. Athens Journal of Education 5(4): 345-360.
- Elitok Kesici A, Çavuş B (2022) Teacher preparation process in the United States of America. Athens Journal of Education 9(1): 63-78.
- Emre Avci Y, Tösten R, Şahin ÇÇ (2020) Examining the relationship between cultural capital and self-efficacy: A mixed design study on teachers. Athens Journal of Education 7(2): 169-192.
- Emre Kılıç M (2022) What are the expectations of primary school teachers from instructional leaders during the distance education period? Athens Journal of Education 9(3): 507-522.
- Enesi M, Trifoni A (2023) An analysis of English writing errors of freshmen students’ essays: The case of ‘Aleksandër Moisiu’ university. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 481-506.
- Epstein I, Godsoe K, Kosinski Collins M (2015) The Brandeis science posse: Using the group model to retain students in the sciences. Athens Journal of Education 2(1): 9-22.
- Evrim Altin M (2019) Internationalization of the German higher education system new player in the market. Athens Journal of Education 6(3): 237-256.
- Fátima Goulão M (2014) The relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement in adults’ learners. Athens Journal of Education 1(3): 237-246.
- Federico B, Bartolucci M, Carlo E (2019) I feel good at school! Reducing school discomfort levels through integrated interventions. Athens Journal of Education 6(3): 209-222.
- Fengliang L, Manli L, Morgan WJ (2018) The rate of return to educational investment for engineers: evidence from the private sector in China. Athens Journal of Education 5(1): 61-72.
- Ferrante CA (2017) An insight into a whole school experience: The implementation of teaching teams to support learning and teaching. Athens Journal of Education 4(4): 339-350.
- Fernández Crispín A, Ruiz Primo ME, Lobatón ACT, Praxedis Amaro Olivera J, Noé Rodríguez Galván A (2016) Reflection in action: A key to developing competences for the teaching of science. Athens Journal of Education 3(3): 261-272.
- Firipis A, Chandrasekaran S, Joordens M (2020) Differentiating the curriculum to achieve “learner growth” when using 1:1 mobile devices for learning. Athens Journal of Education 7(2): 219-240.
- Fowler DJ, Edwards R, Hsu HY (2018) An investigation of state superintendents in the united states: Ethical leadership perspectives, state leader demographics, and state education characteristics. Athens Journal of Education 5(3): 209-246.
- Garfolo BT, L’Huillier B (2017) Ethics, globalization, and the role educators play. Athens Journal of Education 4(3): 211-222.
- Gholam A (2018) Student engagement through visual thinking routines. Athens Journal of Education 5(2): 161-172.
- Gholam A (2019) Visual thinking routines: Classroom snapshots. Athens Journal of Education 6(1): 53-76.
- Gichuru M, Maton R, Nagel M, Lin L (2024) Engaging children in philosophical inquiry through picturebooks. Athens Journal of Education 11(2): 129-142.
- Graça V, Quadro Flores P, Ramos A (2022) The integration of the digital platform educaplay in interdisciplinary paths in the 1st and 2nd basic education cycles. Athens Journal of Education 9(3): 377-392.
- Greensfeld H, Deutsch Z (2016) The centrality of positive emotions in the field of mathematics. Athens Journal of Education 3(4): 345-364.
- Greensfeld H, Nevo E (2017) Students facing examples: Making the unseen visible learning in an example-rich environment (ERE) – an emotional perspective. Athens Journal of Education 4(1): 21-38.
- Gresham G, Sampson P (2019) Women superintendent research: 2014-2016 dissertation literature review content analysis. Athens Journal of Education 6(4): 257-270.
- Gusho L, Goci R (2024) The importance of teachers training in relation to the socialization of children with special education needs in the mainstream classrooms. Athens Journal of Education 11(1): 23-36.
- Güven D, Argün Z (2022) Mathematical language of students with learning disabilities in the context of length. Athens Journal of Education 9(1): 79-102.
- Güvercin D, Elitok Kesici A, Akbaşlı S (2022) Distance education experiences of Teacher-Parents during the COVID-19. Athens Journal of Education 9(4): 593-614.
- Hamidi F, Soleymani S, Dazy S, Meshkat M (2024) Teaching mathematics based on integrating reading strategies and working memory in elementary school. Athens Journal of Education 11(1): 9-22.
- Hart A (2018) The tablet as a classroom musical instrument. Athens Journal of Education 5(3): 299-324.
- Hasikou A (2020) New approaches to individual instrumental tuition in music education. Athens Journal of Education 7(2): 193-202.
- Haug ME, Wasonga T (2021) Understanding how leadership matters: Collective efficacy and student achievement. Athens Journal of Education 8(2): 197-220.
- Haukland LH (2020) The Bologna process and HEIs institutional autonomy. Athens Journal of Education 7(4): 365-384.
- Hayfa N, Saikaly L (2016) Dimensions of knowledge and ways of thinking of irrational numbers. Athens Journal of Education 3(2): 137-154.
- Hebbel Seeger A, Riehm P, Kopischke A, Baranovskaa M (2021) LectureCast as 360 degree video: What impact do immersion and presence experience have on learning performance? Athens Journal of Education 8(1): 23-36.
- Heffernan DJ, Wasonga TA (2017) Demographic effects on quality of life among superintendents. Athens Journal of Education 4(2): 149-168.
- Herrera RR, Waller SK (2023) Teacher planning templates: Helpful tool or waste of time? A comparative analysis of the perceptions of novice and experienced teachers in the UAE and USA. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 411-432.
- Herrera TN, Proff A (2023) Three keys to retaining talented teachers in the UAE: Leadership, community, and work-life balance – a phenomenological case study in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 433-446.
- Hodgson P (2019) Opportunities, challenges and creative teaching practices of new international and local recruits in Hong Kong. Athens Journal of Education 6(2): 111-126.
- Hoisington S, Slate JR, Martinez Garcia C, Barnes W (2018) Differences in academic achievement as a function of instructional expenditure ratio for students in poverty. Athens Journal of Education 5(2): 111-130.
- Holmberg K, Ranagården L (2016) Logics of “good teaching”: Exploring mathematics education in primary school in Sweden. Athens Journal of Education 3(3): 225-240.
- Hodes CL, Kelley PL (2017) Closing the skills gap through technical excellence. Athens Journal of Education 4(3): 253-270.
- Huang S, Reynolds M (2022) Facts that influence college students’ reading motivation. Athens Journal of Education 9(2): 187-210.
- Huleihil M, Huleihil H (2016) Status of science and technology education at Arab high schools in Israel. Athens Journal of Education 3(4): 365-386.
- Iberico C, Del Valle J, Pease MA (2016) Students and teachers’ perceptions of the most valued teaching actions. Athens Journal of Education 3(2): 105-120.
- Idzikowski A (2014) Addressing the educational challenges of experiential learning in teaching of internet marketing at Thompson rivers university. Athens Journal of Education 1(2): 131-142.
- Isıkoglu Erdogan N (2015) A critical role of the student teaching on instructional beliefs: An example of early childhood student and cooperating teachers. Athens Journal of Education 2(1): 53-64.
- Ivarsson L (2024) Acceleration and enrichment for gifted students – from the perspective of Swedish principals. Athens Journal of Education 11(2): 95-108.
- Jarjoura B (2015) Enhancing motivation to learn among Arab preservice teachers in Arab and mixed colleges. Athens Journal of Education 2(4): 359-382.
- Jdaitawi M, Muhaidat F, Alsharoa A, Alshlowi A, Torki M, Abdelmoneim M (2023) The effectiveness of augmented reality in improving students motivation: An experimental study. Athens Journal of Education 10(2): 365-380.
- Jereb E, Jerebic J, Urh M (2023) Studying habits in higher education before and after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Athens Journal of Education 10(1): 67-84.
- Jochims Kruel A, Biques Fernandes E (2015) Towards to an education for citizenship: Case of a learning experience in a business school. Athens Journal of Education 2(2): 137-148.
- Kaban A (2021) Secure internet use in information technologies and software course textbooks at primary and secondary schools. Athens Journal of Education 8(1): 37-52.
- Kahraman Ü, Çelik OT (2022) Evaluation of TALIS 2018 results in the context of professional development: Turkey sample. Athens Journal of Education 9(3): 523-544.
- Kalaji G, Alborno N (2023) The influence of gifted and talented programs on students’ self-concept. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 507-522.
- Kalobo L (2022) The relation between the teaching of mathematics and statistics in the republic of South Africa. Athens Journal of Education 9(2): 339-352.
- Kalobo L, Setlalentoa W (2024) Navigating challenges in gifted education: A teacher’s perspective on overcoming barriers. Athens Journal of Education 11(4): 269-288.
- Kamenopoulou L (2017) Special issue on ‘inclusive education’: An introduction. Athens Journal of Education 4(4): 311-314.
- Katz YJ (2014) Cognitive and affective aspects of SMS based learning at the university level. Athens Journal of Education 1(3): 259-270.
- Kilicoglu E, Kaplan A (2022) Predicting the mathematical abstraction processes using the revised bloom’s taxonomy: Secondary school 7th graders. Athens Journal of Education 9(2): 237-256.
- King M, Courtier M, Shaw C, Anderson C, Widdowson J (2021) Different views? The experiences of international students studying HE in three non-university settings. Athens Journal of Education 8(3): 239-262.
- Klemenčič E, Virtič MP, Kovačič JM (2023) The role of teacher education in the science literacy development. Athens Journal of Education 10(4): 647-668.
- Kolodziejczyk J (2015) Leadership and management in the definitions of school heads. Athens Journal of Education 2(2): 123-136.
- Kordes U, Sicherl Kafol B, Holcar Brunauer A (2014) A model of formative assessment in music education. Athens Journal of Education 1(4): 295-308.
- Kriger L (2014) Kindergarten study-unit: Development and nurturing awareness of the existence of the Arab ‘other’ and the existence of the Jewish ‘other’ by means of the arts at the preschool level. Athens Journal of Education 1(4): 341-349.
- Küçükalioğlu T, Tuluk G (2021) The effect of mathematics teachers’ self-efficacy and leadership styles on students’ mathematical achievement and attitudes. Athens Journal of Education 8(3): 221-238.
- Küçük Demir B (2021) The opinions of mathematics teacher candidates who have received a STEM training on STEM and the activities they designed in the class. Athens Journal of Education 8(4): 401-416.
- Kundu DK (2015) Nature of the information seeking behaviour of teachers engaged in general degree colleges and teachersʼ training colleges: A critical analysis. Athens Journal of Education 2(3): 257-274.
- Lapp SI, Bousalis R (2023) Preservice elementary teachers’ perceptions of the learning and teaching of civil rights. Athens Journal of Education 10(4): 593-610.
- Lecon C (2024) Supporting distributed learning through immersive learning environments. Athens Journal of Education 11(3): 213-226.
- Lecon C, Oder B (2016) E-tutorials as an addition to higher education learning scenarios. Athens Journal of Education 3(2): 121-136.
- Ling Ling Pang E, Wray D (2017) A framework on exploring primary school English language teachers’ perceptions of their continuing professional development in Malaysia. Athens Journal of Education 4(1): 63-76.
- Lindström N, Samuelsson L (2022) Moral taste and moral education – An interview study. Athens Journal of Education 9(3): 365-376.
- Lindström N, Samuelsson L (2022) On how RE teachers address the sometimes conflicting tasks of conveying fundamental values and facilitating critical thinking. Athens Journal of Education 9(1): 23-36.
- Locher Lo C (2018) Are we “there” yet?: A comparative analysis of the Canadian standards on the corporal punishment of children in schools. Athens Journal of Education 5(1): 73-90.
- Lyngsnes KM, Skjelvåg SK (2022) Being a dyslectic in Norwegian secondary school. Athens Journal of Education 9(1): 37-48.
- Madzik P, Hrnciar M (2015) Quality of services with respect to their unique characteristics – the field of education. Athens Journal of Education 2(1): 65-76.
- Magennis G, Connolly T (2014) Assessment in teacher education: North & south [ATENS]. Athens Journal of Education 1(1): 57-68.
- Magpily MP, Mercado J (2015) Non-cognitive factors affecting the academic performance of fourth year college students of a private college in Manila. Athens Journal of Education 2(3): 233-244.
- Mannes A (2020) The confused professional identity of native and non-native EFL teacher educators: Are they teachers or researchers? Athens Journal of Education 7(4): 385-396.
- Manouchehri A, Yao X, Fleming A, Gomez M (2016) What do mathematics achievement examinations assess? A critical item analysis. Athens Journal of Education 3(4): 313-330.
- Mardiani R, Hanifah M (2023) Enhancing English language skills through a collaborative drama project. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 463-480.
- Martinez R, Wighting M (2023) Teacher-student relationships: Impact of positive behavioral interventions and supports. Athens Journal of Education 10(3): 397-410.
- McGown JAM, Slate JR (2019) Differences by economic status in grade 3 reading performance: A Texas multiyear study. Athens Journal of Education 6(3): 189-208.
- Mikulan K, Legac V, Oreski P (2017) Comparison of Croatian foreign language teachers’ general propensity towards the use of ICT and its impact on the foreign language teaching process. Athens Journal of Education 4(1): 39-62.
- Mortari L, Ubbiali M (2021) Service learning: A philosophy and practice to reframe higher education. Athens Journal of Education 8(2): 115-138.
- Munongi L (2023) Townships’ high school learners’ views on the implementation of the right to education: A social justice perspective. Athens Journal of Education 10(1): 153-172.
- Muthanna A (2022) Higher teacher education: Raising awareness toward constructing teaching philosophy statements. Athens Journal of Education 9(2): 225-236.
- Nguyen HTT (2024) Implementing feedforward-based collaborative assessment in higher education. Athens Journal of Education 11(4): 335-352.
- Niever M, Richter T, Duehr K, Wilmsen M, Lanz L, Walter B, Albers A, Hahn C (2020) KaLeP: A holistic case-based action learning environment to educate successful future engineers. Athens Journal of Education 7(3): 297-312.
- Norley K (2023) Reduction of socio-economic diversity through standardisation of language: Reflections and challenges. Athens Journal of Education 10(2): 271-290.
- Oberhelman SM, Dunn CA (2019) Globally networked learning in a university classroom: A pilot program. Athens Journal of Education 6(1): 1-12.
- Odanga SJ, Aloka PJ (2024) Effects of age on teachers’ self-efficacy: Evidence from secondary schools. Athens Journal of Education 11(4): 301-314.
- Ofori Attah K (2021) Early childhood education and instructional ecology: A Vygotskian approach in teaching early childhood social studies. Athens Journal of Education 8(2): 139-160.
- Opstad L (2021) Can multiple-choice questions replace constructed response test as an exam form in business courses? Evidence from a business school. Athens Journal of Education 8(4): 349-360.
- Op ‘t Hoog S, Skoumpopoulou D (2019) Entrepreneurship education: Comparative study of initiatives of two partner universities. Athens Journal of Education 6(4): 307-328.
- Osmanović Zajić J, Maksimović J (2023) The Bologna in the field of social sciences and humanities: A precondition for successful university education. Athens Journal of Education 10(4): 701-716.
- O’Sullivan S (2014) Becoming a teacher in the United States: Are attitudes of incoming candidates malleable? Athens Journal of Education 1(1): 45-56.
- Oya Taneri P (2016) Exploring teacher candidates’ views on educational reform. Athens Journal of Education 3(1): 19-32.
- Özevin B (2022) Music class and abuse. Athens Journal of Education 9(4): 575-592.
- Ozturk M (2021) Cognitive and metacognitive skills performed by math teachers in the proving process of number theory. Athens Journal of Education 8(1): 53-72.
- Papaieronymou I (2017) Teaching college probability for higher achievement. Athens Journal of Education 4(3): 199-210.
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