Published Papers
Athens Journal of Philosophy
- Aristidou M (2023) Epicurean induction and atomism in mathematics. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(2): 101-118.
- Brooks C (2024) The practicality of the theory of the good: An interpretative reconstruction. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(2): 79-94.
- Chakrabarti D (2023) Kant on quantitative and qualitative judgments. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(1): 25-38.
- Chakrabarti D (2024) The Kantian notion of categories and their origin. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(3): 149-162.
- Desta D (2023) Genealogy of ancient philosophy in view of the “great quarrel”: Towards an expository essay. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(2): 83-100.
- Desta D (2023) The transition from ‘mythos’ to ‘logos’: The case of Heraclitus. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(1): 9-24.
- Dorchain CS (2022) Crime as language II – hyperviolence and Georges Bataille’s concept of the sovereign. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(3): 173-184.
- Galily D (2023) Philosophy of law or philosophy of reason – the idea of a treaty establishing a constitution for the European union. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(3): 211-220.
- Ghosh S (2024) Nature of Vedic ethics and its critique as soteriology. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(3): 135-148.
- Gyenge Z (2022) The debate as a mono-dialogue – comments on the question of philosophical discourse. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(2): 71-78.
- Filliou Vasilescu M (2023) Mad dogs tragic and the philosophical. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(2): 119-138.
- Fracalossi I (2022) The role of freedom in the practical philosophy of Kant and Reinhold. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(1): 25-36.
- Hashimoto S (2022) The role of geometrical representations – Wittgenstein’s colour octahedron and Kuki’s rectangular prism of taste. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(1): 9-24.
- Jarow EHR (2024) On Smrti. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(1): 17-24.
- Jovanovski T (2023) How Crito might have rejoined. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(3): 139-178.
- Kokić T (2023) The Oparin hypothesis is a falling star. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(1): 39-52.
- Kozić R (2022) Φιλοσοφήσαντες εν δόξηι του σοφιστευσαι : An enigmatic depiction of the second sophistic in Philostratus and Eunapius’ lives of the sophists or what is indeed the mentioned sophistic? Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(1): 51-70.
- Kroeker S (2024) Go(Φ)d is number: Plotting the divided line & the problem of the irrational. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(2): 95-110.
- Li S (2024) On the triple connections between morality1 and politics: An inquiry of western and Chinese political philosophy. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(2): 65-78.
- Litwack EB (2024) Chatbots, robots, and the ethics of automating psychotherapy. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(3): 111-122.
- Lourdes Valdivia Dounce M (2022) Metalinguistic “troubles” with Kripkean proper names. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(2): 91-102.
- Mallick M, Mohapatra P (2023) Wittgenstein’s notion of ‘higher’: A reading from Sankara’s conception of Jnana. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(1): 53-66.
- Milkov N (2023) Bertrand Russell’s philosophical logic and its logical forms. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(3): 193-210.
- Nartey EK (2023) Conceptualising discourse: The ancient and modern Greek word of συζητώ – συζητέω (συ+ζητώ) in modern philosophy law. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(3): 179-192.
- Nicolaides A, Candice Austin A (2022) Community engagement as an ubuntu transformative undertaking for higher education institutions. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(4): 185-202.
- O’Meara W (2023) Two Christian-Aristotelian ethics: The ethics of Aquinas and Augustine vs. the situation ethics of Joseph Fletcher. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(4): 233-246.
- O’Meara W (2024) Aquinas’s claim: Love of neighbor as oneself is self-evident. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(3): 123-134.
- Ozigci YE (2023) The problem of returning to the “things themselves” in the IR theorisation: Phenomenology’s possible use in the study of the pre-theoretical, immediate givenness of the IR phenomena and events. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(4): 277-296.
- Ozola Z (2023) Freedom as a mode of thought: Hannah Arendt. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(4): 221-232.
- Pallares Vega I (2022) Sets, properties and truth values: A category-theoretic approach to Zermelo’s axiom of separation. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(3): 135-162.
- Pemberton BB (2022) Job: Servant of Yahweh/prophet of Allah. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(2): 79-90.
- Prisco A (2024) The wager on God by Blaise Pascal: Blaise Pascal’s bet on God. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(4): 215-222.
- Ravasio E (2022) A stinging citizen: Socrates “the gadfly” as a political model. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(4): 203-220.
- Ravasio E (2023) Mosse and Arendt: Two perspectives on totaliarianism and democracy. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(2): 67-82.
- Reininger A (2022) William Blake: Mental slavery and his visions of mental freedom. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(3): 163-172.
- Samraj T (2022) Epistemic awareness of doxastic distinctions: Delineating types of beliefs in belief-formation. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(1): 37-50.
- Samraj T (2022) Metaphysics: Intelligible questions and the explicable world of intentionality. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(4): 221-238.
- Samraj T (2024) Jurisprudence: The study of the rule of law in a republic. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(1): 25-40.
- Santos Queirós A (2022) One country, two systems: Understand the paradox of the last Hong Kong crisis. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(4): 239-260.
- Santos Queirós A (2024) Revisiting the universal declaration of human rights _ UDHR: From the fallacies to a new generation of rights. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(4): 193-214.
- Sosteric M (2024) From Zoroaster to star wars, Jesus to Marx: The art, science and technology of human manipulation. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(4): 163-192.
- Sullivan SJ (2024) Abrahamic theism, free will, and eternal torment. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(1): 9-16.
- Syed MABM, Wilson T (2024) Interpretative phenomenological/phronesis analyses: Using hermeneutic ubiquitous themes (HUTs) to position research participant experiential narratives. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(2): 55-64.
- Wilson T (2022) Interpretative phronesis (practical wisdom) analysis: A hermeneutic narrative of research participant caring. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(3): 115-134.
- Wirtz J (2024) Is classical music superior to pop music? On the structure of the evaluation of music. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(4): 223-238.
- Yadav A (2022) Solidarity, knowledge and social hope. Athens Journal of Philosophy 1(2): 103-114.
- Yuan J (2023) Thinking through sets: Exploring how Chinese pictographic language shapes Chinese logic. Athens Journal of Philosophy 2(4): 247-276.
- Zhao K (2024) Leo Strauss’s reading of Spinoza and the art of “be alert to the art of writing”. Athens Journal of Philosophy 3(1): 41-54.