Published Papers
Athens Journal of Law
- Abdulraheem NM (2018) Women in the political process and human rights: The Nigerian experience. Athens Journal of Law 4(2): 139-164.
- Abegunde B (2018) A revisit of the institutional machineries for prosecuting individuals for international crimes: Charting the way forward. Athens Journal of Law 4(1): 67-90.
- Abegunde B (2021) Regional cooperation and state sovereignty. Athens Journal of Law 7(2): 169-188.
- Akhtar Z (2023) Kashmir’s right to self determination: UNSC resolutions, human rights violations and culpability under international law. Athens Journal of Law 9(1): 139-172.
- Aksamovic D (2019) Transfer of corporate seat in EU: Recent developments. Athens Journal of Law 5(4): 419-434.
- Allegranti I (2022) ‘The right to remain and produce in your homeland’ in light of article 8 of the European convention on human rights, the European court of human rights case law and the Italian constitution. Athens Journal of Law 8(3): 349-360.
- Ally D (2016) A Comparative analysis of the constitutional frameworks for the removal of judges in the jurisdictions of Kenya and South Africa. Athens Journal of Law 2(3): 137-158.
- Aniţei NC, Dornean Păunescu RL (2024) Brief considerations regarding the competence of the central authorities in matters of filiation, in the context of the proposal for a council regulation on the creation of a European certificate of parenthood. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 699-714.
- Arnold Mashego K (2024) The full enforcement of socio-economic rights in Africa: A dream or a reality? Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 163-174.
- Bekhouche IE (2018) Copyright and trademark offences which might infringe the consumer’s rights. Athens Journal of Law 4(3): 243-254.
- Bhat B. S (2020) Space liability insurance: Concerns and way forward. Athens Journal of Law 6(1): 37-50.
- Bianchi M (2024) Deindustrialisation and management sciences. The shadow of Velleitarismo. Athens Journal of Law 10(3): 305-316.
- Bianchi M (2024) Network analysis and control system in mega projects: The case of PICASP Erasmus project. Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 9-28.
- Blissenden M (2015) Teaching undergraduate law students in the 21st century – pedagogy in a technological era. Athens Journal of Law 1(4): 213-220.
- Blissenden M (2016) Law student learning, storytelling and student device initiatives. Athens Journal of Law 2(3): 127-136.
- Boghirnea I (2023) Legislative mechanisms of the European union and of transposition into the Romanian legislation concerning the problem of work-life balance for parents and caregivers – sociological aspects. Athens Journal of Law 9(3): 477-492.
- Boitan IA, Shabban W (2024) Sustainable, values-based banking model – clustering procedure for assessing its convergence pattern across European banks. Athens Journal of Law 10(3): 287-304.
- Borgese ML (2023) European strategy for regulating online video games and new digital markets: A comparison of emerging opportunities and the current Italian regulatory framework. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 667-676.
- Borelli D (2017) International trading of big data. Athens Journal of Law 3(1): 21-30.
- Borisov V (2016) ‘Market abuse’ concept under UK law. Athens Journal of Law 2(2): 105-114.
- Boura M (2024) The digital regulatory framework through EU AI act: The regulatory sandboxes’ approach. Athens Journal of Law 10(3): 385-398.
- Boussios EG (2016) The “right” to privacy? – the debate over the United States government’s control over its cyberspace. Athens Journal of Law 2(4): 211-224.
- Burckhart T (2023) Indigenous peoples’ rights in Brazil: A conceptual framework on indigenous constitutional law. Athens Journal of Law 9(3): 549-476.
- Capitani G, Comazzetto G (2019) The concept of sustainable development in global law: Problems and perspectives. Athens Journal of Law 5(1): 35-46.
- Caponetti S (2023) Jobs, green deal and sustainability. Athens Journal of Law 9(2): 275-300.
- Caragnano R (2018) Violence against women and domestic violence: General framework and overview of the convention (articles 1 and 2). Athens Journal of Law 4(1): 51-66.
- Caragnano R (2023) Labour law: New workplaces in the metaverse and opportunities for cultural and heritage professions. Athens Journal of Law 9(2): 211-228.
- Caragnano R (2023) Towards New Work paradigms: Inclusion, digital, sustainability, hybrid organisations. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 549-568.
- Caragnano R (2024) Artificial intelligence and the labour market: Impacts and issues. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 465-476.
- Caragnano R (2024) Cultural welfare: Social impact and employment on territories. Athens Journal of Law 10(3): 271-286.
- Caragnano R (2024) New welfare models and community enterprises: Commons and sustainable economy. Athens Journal of Law 10(2): 191-208.
- Caragnano R (2025) AI occupational exposure, language modeling and personnel selection: Future perspectives of labour law. Athens Journal of Law 11(1): 9-24.
- Caragnano R, Danese G (2019) Marine economics, employment and employability: Profiles, professional figures and skills in the reform of the Italian code of recreational shipping (code of yachting). Athens Journal of Law 5(2): 203-220.
- Castillo López JM (2023) An economic perspective of the justice digitalisation process: The questions of efficiency and equity. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 509-532.
- Castillo López JM (2023) Low emission areas vs. Urban congestion taxes. Athens Journal of Law 9(3): 373-394.
- Căzănel M (2017) Conditions for exercising the exception of non-performance. Athens Journal of Law 3(4): 281-294.
- Centeno Garcia G (2020) Can Mexico learn from the European austerity? Legal considerations about the ley federal de Austeridad Republicana. Athens Journal of Law 6(2): 167-190.
- Černý P (2020) The current trends in the right of assembly under the European convention on human rights. Athens Journal of Law 6(3): 231-242.
- Cezar Dias P, Moreira De Oliveira H (2023) The impact of COVID-19 on Brazilian judiciary: Reflections on a justice 4.0 and a 100% digital judgment in the post-pandemic context. Athens Journal of Law 9(1): 9-32.
- Cheng JR (2023) The Philippines readiness in addressing food security by minimising the impact of climate change. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 635-652.
- Chiarella ML (2017) Legitimate expectation and good faith in public contracts. Athens Journal of Law 3(4): 307-320.
- Chiarella ML (2018) Overview of class actions: Italian consumer law and cross-border litigation. Athens Journal of Law 4(2): 163-190.
- Chiarella ML (2020) Numerus Clausus of real rights: Current value and practical issues. Athens Journal of Law 6(4): 361-378.
- Chiarella ML (2022) Platform contracts: Legal framework and user protection. Athens Journal of Law 8(1): 49-64.
- Chiarella ML (2023) Digital markets act (DMA) and digital services act (DSA): New rules for the EU digital environment. Athens Journal of Law 9(1): 33-58.
- Chiarella ML, Borgese M (2024) Data act: New rules about fair access to and use of data. Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 47-62.
- Chronopoulou Α (2015) From a professional tribe to a business NeoTribe: Towards a theory of consumer-based lifestyles in the legal profession. Athens Journal of Law 1(1): 69-84.
- Chronopoulou A (2019) The unpopularity of property law modules: Popular culture offers solutions. Athens Journal of Law 5(3): 241-254.
- Chronopoulou A (2020) My days of mercy and in Between: Echoing changes in cinematic representations of women lawyers. Athens Journal of Law 6(4): 396-406.
- Chronopoulou A (2020) The “non-favourite”: Neo-tribal sexualities on celluloid. Athens Journal of Law 6(2): 151-166.
- Clare Pochmann Da Silva L (2022) Transnational class actions: The Canadian experience and the improvement of access to justice in Latin America. Athens Journal of Law 8(4): 361-370.
- Coffey G (2022) A history of the common law double jeopardy principle: From classical antiquity to modern era. Athens Journal of Law 8(3): 253-278.
- Coffey G (2023) Proactive intelligence-led policing shading the boundaries of entrapment: An assessment of how common law jurisdictions have responded. Athens Journal of Law 9(1): 59-88.
- Coffey G (2024) An examination of proactive intelligence-led policing through the lens of covert surveillance in serious crime investigation in Ireland. Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 63-86.
- Coltri MA (2024) The ethical dilemma with open AI ChatGPT: Is it right or wrong to prohibit it? Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 119-130.
- Colussi IA (2016) International trade sanctions related to dual-use goods and technologies. Athens Journal of Law 2(4): 237-252.
- Congleton RJ, Yang SQ (2017) A comparative study of education exemptions to copyright in the united states and Europe. Athens Journal of Law 3(1): 47-60.
- Corbin Jr. TP (2019) Addressing duty of loyalty parameters in partnership agreements: The more is more approach. Athens Journal of Law 5(4): 363-374.
- Dehshahri P (2016) An investigation of the status of women with respect to the presidential position in Islamic republic of Iran. Athens Journal of Law 2(2): 75-94.
- Drăghici A (2024) The consequences of bullying on the child and on the rights of personality. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 545-566.
- Drogo Inglese I, Caragnano R (2022) Work and employment for the heritage: System analysis of an economic asset for an innovative welfare model. Athens Journal of Law 8(1): 9-30.
- Duminică R (2024) Normative inflation – cause of inefficiency of Romanian environmental law. Athens Journal of Law 10(3): 373-384.
- Duysak M (2023) Legal developments as to “cyber grooming” actions from the Lanzarote convention to now. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 597-610.
- Egbunike Umegbolu C (2022) Speedy dispensation of justice: Lagos multi-door court house (LMDC). Athens Journal of Law 8(3): 279-308.
- Egbunike Umegbolu C (2024) ADR and workplace conflict – a podcast analysis Nigeria, Britain and the US. Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 119-154.
- Egbunike Umegbolu CS, Bajela U (2022) The functionality of the election tribunal in Nigeria concerning election petition. Athens Journal of Law 8(4): 475-486.
- Ezioni L (2018) Non-contact internet sex crimes against minors: A review through comparative law. Athens Journal of Law 4(3): 229-242.
- Fabiano N (2017) Internet of things and the legal issues related to the data protection law according to the new European general data protection regulation. Athens Journal of Law 3(3): 201-214.
- Fanta Choramo P (2021) Factories` observance to the legal framework for the protection of the environment: A case study in Debre Berhan town. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 517-540.
- Fanta Choramo P (2022) Acts considered as terrorism crimes and compatibility of counter-terrorist measures to international standards: In context of Ethiopia. Athens Journal of Law 8(4): 487-504.
- Faone C (2024) Do harmonized provisions ensure fairness in international trade? The European customs law experience. Athens Journal of Law 10(3): 399-418.
- Fenwick H, Fenwick D (2024) Relying on human rights treaties to establish access to same-sex registered partnerships and marriage – confronting the question of cultural sensitivities. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 443-464.
- Fernandes Gomes Dos Santos M, Vargas Delpupo Romanello M (2021) Law, state and religious freedom in Brazil: A historical and constitutional analysis of freedom of belief and religion. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 541-562.
- Ferreira E (2024) Medical liability for omission under the Portuguese criminal law: A critical eye on Portuguese Jurisprudence. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 613-624.
- Ferreira RMZ, Veiga F (2016) The revolution of the tax system based on flat tax. Athens Journal of Law 2(4): 253-268.
- Folami OM (2022) Distributive justice narratives among different ethnic groups in the Niger delta post-conflict peacebuilding processes. Athens Journal of Law 8(2): 135-156.
- Forji Amin G (2020) All that glitters is not always gold or silver: Typical bilateral investments treaties (BITs) clauses as peril to third world economic sovereignty. Athens Journal of Law 6(3): 299-322.
- Forji Amin G (2021) Marxism, international law and the enduring question of exploitation: A history. Athens Journal of Law 7(3): 359-378.
- Gajadhur R (2022) Corporate social responsibility in developed as opposed to developing countries and the link to sustainability. Athens Journal of Law 8(2): 189-216.
- Gajadhur R, Nicolaides A (2022) A reflection on corporate social responsibility in Africa contrasted with the UAE and some Asian nations. Athens Journal of Law 8(2): 157-172.
- Garrido Gómez MI (2020) The diffuse borders of judicial law. Athens Journal of Law 6(2): 123-138.
- Gonçalves De Castro Mendes A (2020) Comparative procedural law in the contemporary world. Athens Journal of Law 6(2): 139-150.
- Gonçalves De Godoi CE, Kilson Dias S (2019) Accounting standardisation, systemic fissure and fraud: The concatenated causal nexus neglected. Athens Journal of Law 5(3): 255-274.
- Goonaratne R (2024) Tracing the application of modern principles of international humanitarian law in the pre christian war between King Duṭugamunu and Elāra in Sri Lanka. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 625-638.
- Griffin RC (2023) An essay about privacy. Athens Journal of Law 9(3): 319-354.
- Gumuslu Tuncagil G (2017) The changes and innovations of the new international labour force law about the working of foreigners in Turkey. Athens Journal of Law 3(3): 215-230.
- Güvenir D (2022) Minority shareholders’ right to request the postponement of general meetings of joint stock companies in Turkish law. Athens Journal of Law 8(3): 329-348.
- Hadad D (2019) Human rights in the Arab world: A regional legacy in crisis. Athens Journal of Law 5(3): 275-302.
- Hallevy G (2016) Algebraic insights towards the legal transformation of fault within in personam defences under modern criminal law. Athens Journal of Law 2(1): 19-32.
- Hamaiunova V (2023) Influence of implicit and visible legal cultures on modernisation of judicial systems in European countries. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 653-666.
- Hannan MA (2023) The importance and reality of having an ombudsman in Bangladesh. Athens Journal of Law 9(1): 89-102.
- Hassan SAM, Mustafa AH, El Alaoui K, Pilotti MAE, Aldabbagh K, Zaghaab S (2018) Law students’ memories of a crime scene: Does the practice of memorisation and recitation matter? Athens Journal of Law 4(4): 317-336.
- Herrera De las Heras R (2016) Liability of service providers for comments made on their websites. Athens Journal of Law 2(4): 225-236.
- Hoxha A (2019) Subject-matter competences of administrative courts of the European union countries: A comparative view of legislation and judicial practice. Athens Journal of Law 5(1): 81-98.
- Iancu D (2024) Press freedom in Romania: Regulation, realities, and expectations in the context of adopting new European regulations. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 685-698.
- Iancu EA (2019) The contribution of forensic science to establishing the truth in criminal proceedings. Athens Journal of Law 5(4): 457-470.
- Iancu EA (2020) Theoretical and practical aspects regarding the investigation of the criminal offence of false testimony. Athens Journal of Law 6(4): 323-338.
- Iancu LO (2019) The opening of the insolvency procedure: Theory v practice. Athens Journal of Law 5(1): 23-34.
- Iancu LO (2020) New mechanisms for recovering budgetary claims in insolvency. Athens Journal of Law 6(1): 61-74.
- Iancu LO (2021) Insolvency of the natural person and COVID 19 in Romania. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 563-574.
- Iancu LO (2022) The access conditions of the natural person to the insolvency procedure in Romania. Athens Journal of Law 8(4): 409-424.
- Iancu LO (2023) Covid influence in insolvency in Romania. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 583-596.
- Iancu LO (2024) The principles of the insolvency procedure in Romania. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 519-532.
- Igwe IOC (2018) History of the international economy: The Bretton woods system and its impact on the economic development of developing countries. Athens Journal of Law 4(2): 105-126.
- Igwe IOC (2019) Recognising the various trends of globalisation: Inequality in international economic relations. Athens Journal of Law 5(1): 1-22.
- Igwe IOC (2019) WTO and the dynamics of free trade: The challenges of international trade law in a divided economic world. Athens Journal of Law 5(2): 165-190.
- Igwe IOC (2021) Rule of law and constitutionalism in Nigerian democracy: A critical relativism discuss in the context of international law. Athens Journal of Law 7(3): 317-334.
- Igwe IOC (2021) The rule of law and national security in Nigerian democracy: A contemporary issue under the aegis of international law. Athens Journal of Law 7(2): 149-168.
- Igwe IOC (2021) WTO, a multilateral trade institution or a parallel organisation: Reform initiatives addressing the WTO agricultural trade distortions to developing countries. Athens Journal of Law 7(1): 65-90.
- Igwe O (2024) Artificial intelligence: A twenty first century international regulatory challenge. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 737-764.
- Ishizuka K (2023) Japan’s contribution to international peace: Restrictions and advantages. Athens Journal of Law 9(3): 355-372.
- Jafari S (2024) Legal assessment of the condition of recourse to domestic judicial authorities in the judicial procedures of the European court of human rights with a view to the case of Salahuddin Anju and others v. Turkey. Athens Journal of Law 10(2): 255-270.
- Jelisejevs A (2021) Crucial issues with legal protection of consumers human rights when banks unilaterally close accounts. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 617-634.
- Jucan Sicignano G (2021) Money laundering using cryptocurrency: The case of bitcoin! Athens Journal of Law 7(2): 253-264.
- Jucan Sicignano G (2021) The case of “mafia Capitale”: The judicial proceedings prosecuted by the AntiMafia district office of Rome against Massimo Carminati and Salvatore Buzzi. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 587-602.
- Juterzenka M, Heupel T (2015) Facts on the horizon: Future German ink and mineral oil ordinance. A national approach and its European spill over: Risk management, compliance and avoidance of liability. Athens Journal of Law 1(2): 111-126.
- Kahlessenane SS (2019) Anti-dumping regulations and policies: Some insights from Algeria. Athens Journal of Law 5(1): 47-60.
- Kaka GE (2017) Women knowledge and legal reality: Advancing the frontier of legal education. Athens Journal of Law 3(1): 31-46.
- Kasperska M (2021) Personality rights – a universal tool for the recovery of non-pecuniary loss. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 575-586.
- Katsouli Pantzidou L (2021) Jekyll, Hyde and the Victorian construction of criminal working-class masculinities. Athens Journal of Law 7(2): 233-252.
- Khan KA (2016) The protection of minorities – whether a neglected field? Athens Journal of Law 2(1): 33-48.
- Khan KA (2017) Use of force and human rights under international law. Athens Journal of Law 3(2): 141-164.
- Knowles Khangala T (2024) An analysis of South Africa’s constitutional and UNCRC-imposed obligations to achieve children’s socio-economic rights: A critique. Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 175-190.
- Knowles Khangala T (2024) Unlocking access: How Gauteng province’s online admission system is upholding the right to basic education in South Africa: A human rights perspective. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 765-786.
- Kojo Nartey E (2024) Addressing corporate human rights violations and environmental harm: Advancing a holistic remedial framework through tort law and the EU corporate sustainability due diligence directive (CSDDD). Athens Journal of Law 10(3): 345-372.
- Kokavec VM, Cramer KM (2018) Counterfactual statements and monetary compensation in a mock judicial context: Who makes an ideal compensatory juror? Athens Journal of Law 4(2): 127-138.
- Kovač Klemar T, Marelja M (2018) Institutional support for terrorist financing prevention. Athens Journal of Law 4(1): 27-50.
- Labi C (2024) The ethical riddle of executive remuneration. Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 155-162.
- Labi C, Tadjudje W (2020) The facelessness of evil: Towards a rationale for corporate criminal liability. Athens Journal of Law 6(3): 283-298.
- Latino A (2022) Genealogy, variations and specificity of the right to truth. Athens Journal of Law 8(4): 425-448.
- Latino A (2023) The right to dress in international law as a right in itself and as a parameter on the ridge between freedom of expression and prohibition of discrimination. Athens Journal of Law 9(2): 229-244.
- Lazăr I (2023) Competition law, ethics and corporate social responsibility. Athens Journal of Law 9(3): 407-420.
- Lephale I (2016) The extent of the scope of punishment. Athens Journal of Law2(3): 181-196.
- Lewans M (2015) Pragmatism and judicial restraint. Athens Journal of Law 1(1): 9-20.
- Lin CH (2020) Legal development of atypical acts in the European union with some reference to spectrum management legislation. Athens Journal of Law 6(1): 9-36.
- Lockwood G (2018) Workplace monitoring and surveillance: The British context. Athens Journal of Law 4(3): 205-228.
- Lockwood G, Nath V, Caplan S (2023) Religion and belief discrimination at work: Legal challenges in the UK. Athens Journal of Law 9(3): 421-442.
- Luchena Mozo GM (2017) Progress in the revision of inheritance and gift tax under the European union law: Judgement of the EU court of justice (seventh chamber), 26 May 2016, commission v Greece (C-244/15, CLI:EU:C:2016:359). Athens Journal of Law 3(2): 121-140.
- Lück NC (2015) The golden rule in the course of time: Charitable foundations in England, Germany and the EU philanthropic governance perspective – of altruism and calculation. Athens Journal of Law 1(3): 151-164.
- Lurie G (2015) Medieval emergencies and the contemporary debate. Athens Journal of Law 1(1): 53-68.
- Lytvynenko AA (2019) Data privacy and banking secrecy: Topical issues in commonwealth, continental Europe and international jurisprudence. Athens Journal of Law 5(3): 303-322.
- Lytvynenko AA (2020) A right to access to medical records in the case law of the Portuguese courts: Possible guidelines for future European court of human rights case law. Athens Journal of Law 6(3): 265-282.
- Lytvynenko AA (2020) A right of access to medical records: The contemporary case law of the European court of human rights and the jurisprudence of Germany. Athens Journal of Law 6(1): 103-122.
- Lytvynenko AA (2021) The rise of the French doctrine of informed consent: Criminal responsibility for an unauthorised medical experiment – the case of the Antiquaille hospital and subsequent notable judgments. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 603-616.
- Lytvynenko AA (2022) The concept of the patient’s autonomy: From the vaults of civil law. Athens Journal of Law 8(1): 83-106.
- Malloy MP (2015) There are no bitcoins, only bit payers: Law, policy and socio-economics of virtual currencies. Athens Journal of Law 1(1): 21-32.
- Malloy MP (2021) Encountering Charles Dickens: The lawyer’s muse. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 507-516.
- Maniewska E (2024) Employment relationship, emergency situations, formal models of ‘emergency’ labour law – outline of main issues. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 591-602.
- Marchetti G (2021) The management of the coronavirus emergency by the Italian government and the relationship between state and regions. Athens Journal of Law 7(2): 129-148.
- Marchetti G (2023) The changes in the approach to environmental protection by the European union and its member states and the regulatory innovations in Italy. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 533-548.
- Mastracci M (2019) Judicial independence: European standards, ECtHR criteria and the reshuffling plan of the judiciary bodies in Poland. Athens Journal of Law 5(3): 323-350.
- Mihalakas AP, Hyde E (2020) Implementation of nationally determined contributions under the Paris agreement – comparing the approach of China and the EU. Athens Journal of Law 6(4): 407-430.
- Mishra P (2024) Neuroscientific paradigms and their implications for jurisprudential practice: A comparative analysis. Athens Journal of Law 10(3): 317-330.
- Mohorič Kenda A (2024) Fair satisfaction due to violations of patients’ rights in healthcare. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 715-736.
- Murari KS (2021) Hypothesizing a new standard for environmental injunctions. Athens Journal of Law 7(1): 105-128.
- Nartey EK (2022) The Rohingya crisis: A critical analysis of the united nations security council and international human rights law. Athens Journal of Law 8(4): 449-474.
- Nartey EK (2023) Enforcing the legal principle of duty of care in corporate human rights violations and environmental damage cases in developing countries. Athens Journal of Law 9(4): 611-634.
- Nartey EK (2024) Ethical judicial restraint and the rule of law: Strengthening constitutional integrity in the UK. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 787-808.
- Nartey EK (2023) Neurological aspect of ethics and integrity: A fundamental compound element of law and tax compliance. Athens Journal of Law 9(2): 245-274.
- Nartey EK (2024) The ethics of law: How US/UK intervention in Iraq and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine breach the principle of virtue and international law. Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 87-118.
- Neri R (2022) Beyond any reasonable doubt between science, jurimetrics and criminal procedure: New perspectives? Athens Journal of Law 8(2): 173-188.
- Neri R (2023) The sin of unreasonable doubt in the age of unfair trial: Comparative perspectives. Athens Journal of Law 9(3): 443-458.
- Nicolaides A (2018) Corporate social responsibility as an ethical imperative. Athens Journal of Law 4(4): 285-300.
- Nicolaides A (2022) Duty, human rights and wrongs and the notion of ubuntu as humanist philosophy and metaphysical connection. Athens Journal of Law 8(2): 123-134.
- Nicolaides A, Manyama TP (2020) Eradicating corruption in public service entities through ethical leadership. Athens Journal of Law 6(4): 431-452.
- Nicolaides A, Vettori S (2019) The duty of lawyers: Virtue ethics and pursuing a hopeless legal case. Athens Journal of Law 5(2): 149-164.
- Oberoi G (2018) Limitations of induction trainings offered to magistrates by state judicial educators in India. Athens Journal of Law 4(4): 301-316.
- Oberoi G (2022) Why judicial education institutions (JEI) must focus vulnerabilities faced on account of age, economic status, sexual orientation and participation in civil society movements? Athens Journal of Law 8(3): 217-236.
- Oberoi G (2024) Exploring scope of regional legal education discourse for students from SAARC member states. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 477-496.
- Obot C (2019) Political reporting: Its regulatory framework and imperatives on democracy and democratisation of communication in Nigeria. Athens Journal of Law 5(3): 221-240.
- Oliveira Costa R (2017) Between creativity and arbitrariness: The search for legitimacy and rationality in constitutional reasoning. Athens Journal of Law 3(2): 99-120.
- Oliveira Costa R (2021) Towards a metatheoretical postmodern approach to legal reasoning. Athens Journal of Law 7(1): 91-104.
- Oliveira Rodrigues R (2020) Judges and law-making authority: The new Brazilian civil procedure code and the limits of how a civil law judge could act such as a common law judge. Athens Journal of Law 6(2): 191-208.
- O’Nyangeri A, Omboga JZ, Habwe J (2024) The pragmatic impact of grammatical structures in Courtroom interpretation and translation. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 809-830.
- Oprescu MA (2024) Some developments and vulnerabilities in the child rights protection system under the umbrella of the European family. Athens Journal of Law 10(4): 651-666.
- Orlov V (2017) Updated international private law of Russia. Athens Journal of Law 3(2): 75-98.
- Orlov V (2019) Legal sources and interpretation in Russian civil law. Athens Journal of Law 5(2): 117- 136.
- Orlov V (2021) Liability in Russian corporate law. Athens Journal of Law 7(1): 9-32.
- Orlov V (2021) Russian legal discourse. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 463-484.
- Orlov V (2022) Legal aspects of corporate governance in Russia. Athens Journal of Law 8(4): 371-394.
- Orlov V (2024) Dispositivity in Russian business law. Athens Journal of Law 10(1): 29-46.
- Orlov V, Popondopulo V (2016) Agency, representation, delegation and commission. Athens Journal of Law 2(3): 159-180.
- Orlov V, Yarkov V (2017) New Russian arbitration law. Athens Journal of Law 3(4): 257-280.
- Papke DR (2015) Postmodern decline? The belief in a rule of law as a tenet of American ideology. Athens Journal of Law 1(4): 221-232.
- Parra Gómez D (2021) Crisis of the rule of law in Europe: The cases of Hungary, Poland and Spain. Athens Journal of Law 7(3): 379-398.
- Patraus ME, Ofrim IM (2021) Contractual unpredictabiliy in the context of covid-19 pandemic. Athens Journal of Law 7(4): 485-506.
- Pătrăuş ME, Vidrean Căpușan TD (2023) European union fundamental rights reflected in tax procedures. The key for tax harmonisation inside the European union? Athens Journal of Law 9(2): 173-186.
- Peng Han H (2020) Development of individualism in Chinese legislation and social solidarity – a Durkheimian approach. Athens Journal of Law 6(4): 339-360.
- Pérez Troya A (2016) Improving gender balance among directors of companies. A proposal for a European directive and recent advances in Europe. Athens Journal of Law 2(2): 95-104.
- Perkins AJ (2021) The legal and economic questions posed by the German constitutional court’s decision in the public sector purchase programme (PSPP) case. Athens Journal of Law 7(3): 399-412.
- Picchi M (2022) Violence against women and domestic violence: The European commission’s directive proposal. Athens Journal of Law 8(4): 395-408.
- Pierce KB, Davidson CM (2016) Are you on the right track? A new approach to faculty status in the changing legal environment. Athens Journal of Law 2(2): 115-134.
- Pochmann Da Silva LC (2020) Judicial case management: The stay of pending claims in repetitive cases provided by the Brazilian civil procedure code of 2015. Athens Journal of Law 6(1): 51-60.
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